Wednesday, May 7, 2014

in just one month.

BLAZE is one month old, weighing in at 10lbs (according to our home scale). Let's just say he had everyone thinking he was two while in the womb... he hasn't quit growing yet. He is a very happy, chill baby. Burps and Toots like he is all that is man. Takes more pooh-stinkies than any person I know. He averages 15-18 diapers a day. He loves to cuddle and his favorite position is laying on ones chest, mostly his mommas. Blaze has been trying to figure out what every ceiling fan is since day one and for the past handful of days he has been focusing in on us and other objects. Blaze loves listening to lullaby's. He really isn't fond of the car seat or the pitch black dark. He loves walks in the stroller and bath time. Blaze is up every two hours at night and has no hourly schedule during the day. I think he looks like his Daddy with his mommas top lip. I'll take it.

Momma & Daddy
are still learning all his coos and cries. They love watching his facial expressions expand daily. Daddy loves the sound of Blazes sneezes and when he can't get the third sneeze out. Momma loves morning snuggles. Momma and Daddy are both sleepy... always. Momma wears more powder than perfume and her new perfume is the smell of spit up and dirty diapers. FUN! Diaper blow outs, Waterfall pee, diapers on backwards and not high enough, sleepless nights due to serious grunting and feedings and many anxiety moments ... with ALL THE ABOVE, Neither of us can imagine life without this little guy. He keeps us on our feet, we love it. Happy FIRST month of life Blaze Aaron, what did we ever do to deserve you?

Life Changes: 

Momma no longer rides next to Daddy, only in the back seat to see what's happening with little man. Dinner is now cooked between 5:30pm - 6pm and eat when we feel like it. Dinner is no longer at the dining room table. We eat fast and furious... most of the time we don't eat at the same time. I don't think we've made it through "TV TIME" together. Bedtime is all together NOT the same. No more hour baths for Momma. Pretty sure the longest SHOWER I've taken was 4 minutes. Shopping is NOT the same.

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