Wednesday, May 7, 2014

in just two months

Written on March 10, 2014

Blaze is two months old today. SO many never-ending days and nights yet time is moving so fast. Everyday is different. Our little guy is growing so fast. If I had to guess, I'd say close to 11lbs. Everyday he becomes more attentive. He can sit up using props but of course not very well. Blaze holds his head on his own with an occasional wobble. Wearing 3 month clothes and a smile that is so bright. Blaze is still infatuated with the ceiling fan, only now he talks to it. He loves anything with a face. Ollie the octopus and his three little bears get him so tickled he squeaks. He is getting better riding in the car seat but still keeps his Mom and Dad on edge waiting for that freak out moment. Sleeping a little better at nap time and pretty much still every 2 hours at night with an occasional 3 hours. He is our daily smile. 

Momma and Daddy
... YAWN. Momma is still tired more than she is not. That being said, little sleep is getting easier. Sometimes. We are having so fun watching his expressions. He has a million and one. Blaze puts us up for a run. When we think we have to down pat and got this parenthood going on, the tables turns. We have experienced his first horrible tummy ache, which made Momma cry too. We have learned to feel sorry for the parent whose kid is crying rather than the kid who is crying. We have learned to NOT say, "We won't" or "He won't" - we choose our words very carefully. Month two has been easier yet still tough. Lots of struggles. We are learning everyday. It's much easier to pull through a drive thru and ask for a cup of hot water rather than putting the bottle between your legs, under your butt, sitting in pure heat trying to warm it up with the car heater... my goodness, where is the BOOK of how to make parenthood a bit easier. Who knew you should not use Johnson & Johnson on your kids face... well I learned that too. We had two date nights which were much needed and did wonders for us. Never take advantage of eating slow and Walmart trips. Ive never been so excited to buy Shampoo and conditioner. Month two has been fun. It's been tough. It's had it's struggles but most of all it's brought more love to all three of our lives. 

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